Lawn Rejuvenation

Lawn rejuvenation is a great way to bring back a tired lawn. Choosing to rejuvenate can cost as little as $10 per m2 and can save up to 70% off the cost of a lawn replacement. If you are unsure if you need to rejuvenate or replace, call us to have a free no-obligation quote and let us help you.

Common issues with a lawn that can be fixed with a lawn rejuvenation are:

  • Patchy
  • Full of thatch
  • Compacted
  • A shallow root zone
  • Hydrophobic
  • Uneven
  • Depleted and nutrient deficient

Read below about lawn rejuvenation processes and why they can help your lawn bounce back.

Coring is the process of aerating the lawn by extracting plugs of lawn to alleviate compaction and allow for water, nutrients, and oxygen to have direct contact with the root system. Once we extract the plugs of soil, which occurs every 2 to 3 inches, the roots are open and able to absorb water and nutrients easily.

Akers of Lawn recommend this process on a lawn that is lacking in nutrients and needs a boost. This can be due to many factors, but often presents as a dry, hardened soil or a thick, spongy thatch layer. Both prevent water, oxygen and nutrients from getting to the roots and giving the lawn the best chance of flourishing.

Lawns that receive regular coring are easier to mow as they are less dense and can save up to 50% on watering costs due to a quicker absorption rate.

Depending on mowing habits and lawn type, your lawn will inevitably develop a thick, coarse, spongy texture to it over time. This is called a build-up of ‘thatch’, which is the result of a deep matting of the root system and presents as a layer of compressed stems, roots and blades which accumulate between the top of the soil and the green tips of the grass.

When a lawn gets to this state, it is not healthy as it can lead to fungus and disease forming. In addition, it often results in higher water bills as it is difficult for water to penetrate, causing run off and excess watering.

Scarifying is the process of thinning out this thatch layer to allow for new growth, with the use of a specialised machine. This does not damage the lawn and it allows for easier maintenance and saving in water costs. The average household requires their lawn to be scarified every 3 to 5 years.

Once your lawn has been scarified by Akers of Lawn, it will be easier to mow, it will feel more even under foot and it will look greener.

Lawns can be frustrating, tiresome and expensive if maintained incorrectly. Many factors can impact on the health of your lawn; beetles, weeds, poor nutrition, uneven mowing, and weather are some of the most common offenders. If any of these become an issue, we have a solution. We know how important it is to have your yard looking good for special events and the sunny season, so give us a call and we can work out something that suits your needs.

We offer both non-organic and organic treatments for a variety of issues. Some of the issues we can help with are:

  • Black Beetle and other pests
  • Preventing common weeds
  • Extinguishing common weeds
  • Increasing water absorption
  • Balancing pH levels and improving soil structure
  • Increasing worm production


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