
Bow & Arrow Herbicide

For the Control of various Broadleaf Weeds in Turf such as White Clover, Plantain, Capeweed, Cat’s Ear, Bindii (Jo-Jo, Onejunga), Cudweed and Creeping oxalis.

Bow & Arrow Herbicide is the standard for broadleaf weed control in the Australian turf industry.

Bow & Arrow Herbicide provides outstanding control of broadleaf weeds in turf. Broadleaf weeds such as White Clover, Plantain, Capeweed, Cat’s Ear, Bindii, Cudweed, Creeping Oxalis, and more.

Current broadleaf turf herbicides have a tendency to cause rapid desiccation of weed leaves and shoots. Recovery may then occur from the significant root systems and/or other underground components of the weed. The effect of Bow & Arrow Herbicide is slower than other broadleaf herbicides but the ultimate result is more effective, with no evidence of regrowth.

This unique three-way mixture provides extended weed control (season-long) in most situations.

  • High level of efficacy
  • No volatility concerns
  • Superior turf safety (cool and warm season grasses)
  • A mix of active ingredients for improved resistance management
  • No odour
  • Additional surfactants not required
  • Safe to use on Buffalo
  • Do not use on Bentgrass or Wintergrass Golf and Bowling Greens